Thursday, July 26, 2018

Guest speakers day
Guest speakers day was held on 21st of July 2018 at Navalar hall .This is a join project with sponsoring rotary club .Dr.p.Jesitharan attended as a guest speaker and also lots of peoples got benefits from this project. rotary club of nallur president Rtn.PHF.Roy sathiasutdakar ,rotaract club of chlipuram president & members,rotaract club of jaffna peninsula president & members also attended here.;bvNv~;t6n7wOo0BOD.bps.a.912982925559015/912982962225678/?type=3;bvNv~;t6n7wOo0BOD.bps.a.912982925559015/912982962225678/?type=3

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Save Your Time

Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another's or your own. Many people make the mis...