Thursday, September 27, 2018

3rd charted day celebration

our club 3rd charted day celebration was held on 23rd of september2018 at saiva siruvar illam . we celebrated with arround 30 childrens at their hostel and also rotarians .Rtn.phf .roy sathiasutdakar president rotary club of nallur ,Rtn,phf. pp..ravinathas vice president rotary club of nallur ,rtn,phf.rajeevan club administration chairman rotary club of nallur ,Rtn.phf.ramanan secratary rotary club of nallur , our guide club director rtr.ipp.jeyaruban , rotaractors Rtr.ipp.s.sugakan rotaract club jaffna midtown, president rtr.vijiharan ,rtr.sathurshan rotaract club of jaffna,rtr.m.sivanuyan & rtr.pahapirasath rotaract club chunnakam, president Rtr.abiramy rotaract club of chulipuram were attended here.

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Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another's or your own. Many people make the mis...