Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Achieving Goals

this project organized by Rotaract club of nallur heritage under community service and also education and litercy rotary focus area . it was held on 23rd of november at keerimalai naguleswara viddiyalam . here we gave the english exam for prepare the exam.

phase 2 :-This project organized by Rotaract club of nallur heritage under community service and also education and litercy rotary focus area . it was held on 25th of november at keerimalai naguleswara viddiyalam . importance question and grammar question explained by jegananthiny muththukumar ,sobiyalini edwin rajhkumar vajavilan central college ,Rtr.kirushanthy president Rotaract club of nallur heritage as a resource person.


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Save Your Time

Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another's or your own. Many people make the mis...