Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Rotaract club of Nallur heritage supported an event which was organized by Rotaract club of Guwahati east,on the occasion of global hand washing day which was all about taking an initiative to teach students about how to wash hands,important of hand washing and we gifted them some hand washing items.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

"Padipakam" library opening ceremony at Mullankavil Vinayagar Community Center, was held on 20th of September 2019.We Rotaract club of nallur heritage and siragugal organization jointly initiated this project.
முழங்காவில் விநாயகர் சனசமூக நிலையத்தில் கிராம நூலகம் 19-09-2019 வியாழக்கிழமை காலை 10.00 மணிக்கு திறந்துவைக்கப்பட்டது. நல்லூர் பராம்பரிய றோட்டரக் கழகமும் சிறகுகள் அமைய உறுப்பினர்களும் இணைந்து இச் செயற்திட்டத்தினை நடைமுறைப்படுத்தினர்.
நூலக திறப்பு விழா நிகழ்வில் முழங்காவில் கிராம சேவகர் திரு.நகுலேஸ்வரன், முழங்காவில் தேசிய பாடசாலை அதிபர் திரு.ஆனந்தராசா, பூநகரி பிரதேச சபை தவிசாளர் திரு ஸ்ரீறஞ்சன், விநாயகர் சனசமூக நிலையத்தலைவர் திரு பிரான்சிஸ், கிராம அபிவிருத்தி தலைவர் தனராஜ் கலந்துகொண்டனர்.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Books Corner

"The roots of the education are bitter,but the fruit is sweet".we Rotaract club of Nallur Heritage handed over set of books under the theme of Rotary's six focus area basic Education and Literacy on 29th of July 2019 to Chavakachcheri Thiruvalluvar Community center Library, where the talented students Studying without necessary resources.


A water tank was given to Navalar pre school,Meesalai on 27th of july 2019 under the objective of rotary's six focus area water & sanitation.In this place these kids doesn't have adequate water facilities.To satisfy their needs,by the request of the society our club provided this water tank.

RiseUp 2K19

"Action may not always bring happiness,but there is no happiness with out action".Under the "Rise up" project, sewing machine was handed over to woman leadership family at Vasavilan central at 26th of july, with the theme of Economic and community development.This will help her to startup self employment.

Monday, August 26, 2019

You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them.It is our collective and individual responsibility … to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.....
We Rotaract club of Nallur Heritage Initiate PR Project of this Month "Clean City", Display Board at the Main Entrance of Jaffna Peninsula (A9 Road) which Reflect the word "Keep our City Clean" in three languages.Also we thank Sponsoring Club President Rotary club of Nallur Rtn PHF. Mahesu Pratheeban,
Public Image - Northern Chair Rtn PHF. PP. T. Ravinathas Rotary District - 3220 & Youth Service Director Rtn PHF. Thuraimany Ramanan who took part in this event.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019


  thulir was held on 17th of may at vasi benovelent preschool ,uduvilthulir is the concept of the care for the child .child and maternal health on rotary focus area under the community service project ,it was organized by rotaract club of nallur heritage.here rajeevan divisional child protection officer at national child protection authority and Dr.M.Piratheepan thelipalai base hospital participate as a resource person and give the details about how to treat their child ,child protection on nutrition & health,education .

Thursday, May 16, 2019



DIGITAL COMMUNIATION PROJECT WAS HELD ON 12TH OF MAY 2019 AT PARAMANANTHAM CAMPUS ,IT IS ORGANIZED BY ROTARACT CLUB OF NALLUR HERITAGE .HERE WE EXPLAINED REPORTING SYSTEM AND RMIS PORTAL ALSO ,THEN EXPLAINED HOW TO DESIGN THE INVITATION & USE OF CORAL DRAW ,VIDEO  IS USEFULL FOR EACH CLUB MEMBERS.This project as a joint project this project is an initiative taken to inspire with the FellowRotaractors and included the concept of the digital media  their Communication It develop their members skills  help to study the digital media this project involving the basic education and literacy on Rotary’s focus areas.This project gave more development their skills in digital media education , Rotaractors got benefits Form this project.This project was clone by Rotaract, here Rotaract club of nallur heritage president and secretary   acted as resource person on that project.The project’s focus on long term are they well make now updates their projects and photos and also  maintain the page through this digital media. Club service projects will reach to community through the digital communications. It will help for day to day life with technology.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

sweep ticket

this project was held on 29th of april,2019.this project concept of fundraising from this tickets ,each tickets  100 rs and also a book includes 60 tickets ,then each members must sale minimum 5000 rs .we selected the who is the winner ,after that we announced their names and organized the prize giving on 5th of may.The Project was decided to launch among our members,  we Planned this project for 6 weeks and we distribute Ticket book among rotaractors and other rotaract clubs to sell the tickets.who sole the ticket high amount they honered by rtn.phf.t.ramanan on that day  .club president gave the token who sole the tickets on the project at the prize

Save Your Time

Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another's or your own. Many people make the mis...