Thursday, May 16, 2019



DIGITAL COMMUNIATION PROJECT WAS HELD ON 12TH OF MAY 2019 AT PARAMANANTHAM CAMPUS ,IT IS ORGANIZED BY ROTARACT CLUB OF NALLUR HERITAGE .HERE WE EXPLAINED REPORTING SYSTEM AND RMIS PORTAL ALSO ,THEN EXPLAINED HOW TO DESIGN THE INVITATION & USE OF CORAL DRAW ,VIDEO  IS USEFULL FOR EACH CLUB MEMBERS.This project as a joint project this project is an initiative taken to inspire with the FellowRotaractors and included the concept of the digital media  their Communication It develop their members skills  help to study the digital media this project involving the basic education and literacy on Rotary’s focus areas.This project gave more development their skills in digital media education , Rotaractors got benefits Form this project.This project was clone by Rotaract, here Rotaract club of nallur heritage president and secretary   acted as resource person on that project.The project’s focus on long term are they well make now updates their projects and photos and also  maintain the page through this digital media. Club service projects will reach to community through the digital communications. It will help for day to day life with technology.

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